Jul 25, 2022

Many of us take our vehicles to the mechanic whenever we need our oil changed. We bring our car in, the technician applies his craft, and then we go on about our day without giving it much of a second thought. We’re here today to look at the oil that goes in your car and why choosing a synthetic blend over a conventional one can be cost-effective but also prolong the life of your vehicle. Get ready to take some notes, oil quality 101 is in session. 

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The Function of Oil 

While you might get your oil changed regularly, you might not know what the importance of it might be. Your engine is a mass of moving parts. This process generates friction which causes a great deal of heat. To keep these parts from overheating and breaking down, oil properly lubricates them to preserve their integrity.

The Difference Between Conventional and Synthetic Motor Oil 

The differences between the two are pretty substantial. Conventional motor oil is no more than oil that’s been drilled out of the ground and then refined. While conventional oil does an adequate job at keeping the moving parts of your car lubricated, it does little to enhance the performance and longevity of your engine. On the other hand, conventional oil is a man-made manufactured product that contains several additives. It tends to burn slower than conventional oil and can remove some of the deposits that build up in your engine over time. These deposits can hinder your engine’s performance if they’re not removed. 

Going the Distance 

Typically, most cars and SUVs get their oil changed every 3,000-5,000 miles if they use conventional motor oil. While this is indeed standard practice, synthetic oil can last much longer. An oil change with a good synthetic oil only has to be done every 10,000 miles. Because it burns much slower, it lasts for more extended periods. If you drive a high-performance vehicle like a sports car, synthetic oil is recommended to maximize your vehicle’s performance. 

Get a Synthetic Oil Change at Marianna Toyota 

If you own a Toyota, you’re well aware of the long-lasting durability of your vehicle. Synthetic oil will help you get the most out of your purchase. At Marianna Toyota, our top-tier service department will advise you on which oil is best and how it can boost your vehicle’s performance. Cruise over to mariannatoyota.com for more information.