May 4, 2020

This has been a great model year for two different car models: the 2020 Ford Explorer and the 2020 Toyota Highlander. Both of these SUVs have gotten top marks for their designs. If you’re in the market for a new SUV, which of these cars should you choose? Our money is on the Highlander, and here are some reasons why.

2020 Toyota Highlander Finance near Dothan

Some Comparisons First

Among SUVs, the Ford Explorer has been around nearly 30 years, and all other SUVs follow it. Both the Highlander and the Explorer were redesigned for the 2020 year. Both cars are tops in safety ratings (a five star rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), which many families look for before buying. Both cars also have three rows of seating. Both also have hybrid engines available.

Why We Love the Highlander

One of the biggest reasons we love the Highlander is because it can fit a large number of people in it–which is great if you have a large family or you have to haul a lot of kids around to various practices. The Explorer only seats seven–and not very comfortably. If you need the extra room for people–go with the Highlander.

Another reason we adore the new Highlander is fuel economy, which makes driving a larger car reasonable. The Highlander’s hybrid model is able to bump the fuel economy up substantially, which means a long time between gas stations, and a cheaper wallet for you.

Speaking of cheap, the Highlander and its trim options are more reasonable than the Explorer as well. On the top trim end, the Explorer gets very pricey–over $60,000, which is a lot of money for families who need a new car. Instead, you can choose to get a lot of bells and whistles on the Highlander for a polished look, or a rugged, outdoor look—for a lot less money.

Finally, you can’t beat the Highlander for resale value and reliability. Toyota’s are legendary for their near-constant resale value, which means that you can count on your Toyota selling for more than an Explorer as years go by. Also, few car makers can compete with Toyota for reliability–which is part of the reason these cars have such a consistent resale value.

If you are looking for a new car, you need to come on over and look at a Highlander. We’re located at 2961 Pennsylvania Avenue, Marianna, Florida, 32448. You can also give us a call at 850.526.3511.